During his visit in Fat Zebra Bar. Platan did talk about his friend German to Flik and Specter. He wanted to impres his friends he is buddy with a griphon. Changelings from Greywilds never actually saw them since Griphons never did live on that island and if they did they would probably be used as slaves or whatever… Anyway Platan did make it sound so profesional and Specter did imagine German as a very derpy person. He imagined German as a playful kid who likes to pretend he got toys what go poff poff since silly Griphons cant do magic. He also was feeling a bit sorry for bird guy for not having fangs so he had to eat stuff like ice cream and lollies all the time because he could not chew his food or feed on love like changelings do. When finally the day come and Specter did saw German. He did think… WOW This guy cant be starving. Just look at all the fat he got. He must have some friends who chew food for him. He must be very nice to have a friend do it for him. Sadly Specter never did talk with German as everytime he tried he got distracted by the most little thing
Art by German OC belongs to MLP belongs to and
Even if I dont thank every one for the fav personaly. I want to say I do appriciate all of those favs and support Also interested in a commision? Send me a note