This episode has gotten a lot of mixed opinions, and I personally find it…okay, but the song was bomb as hell
I think that this episode did have a nice message that we should all consider, though: No matter our flaws and differences, we're all the same and should be treated the same. It doesn't matter if you're a celebrity or a normal average joe, we should all be treated with respect. We need to remember that in the end we all have flaws and that's okay, because flaws are what makes you beautiful.
I also have been wanting to draw the whole mane six in some way to showcase the designs I have for them, and this was a great opportunity. I thought giving them all fur marking would look cute, and the unicorns and alicorns both have fetlocks as well as the cloven hooves. The pegasi have tailfeathers and I changed Twilight's feathers to white so it could show off her princess rank (and her mane colors as her feathers looked wonky to me for some reason)
Knowing me I'll probably keep changing there designs but for now that's how they look