It took her a lot to have birth and she spent two days hospitalized until the moment the little twins could finally born. Something wasn't going as everypony expected since a small unicorn were born, wasn't a big deal, they were expecting a foal and a filly, maybe the doctors were just wrong in that. Just a couple minutes later, a pinkie earth pony was born, this time they were right and she was a really pretty filly but, Pinkie wasn't done already, yes, she had birth the pegasus they were waiting for. The small chubby mare had birth three foals at once. It looked imposible, but the little unicorn escaped from the ultrasounds more than once, but they all were fine, big and sane three babies. The doctors said that Pinkie was like a lucky treat. Pinkie and Pokey considered it like a miracle.
The three of them grew spectacularly healthy until, 8 years later, during the atack of a huge monster, certain small and round unicorn wanted to see closer that cool monster. It all happened too fast, nopony saw nothing and a second later, both Pokey and the monster dissapeared. The family was shredded but not broken and even though they are all fine now, the aftermath still last in they're lifes, they hope they can see Pokey again, but some of the members has lost almost all the hope.
Sweetie Breaking McOdball (Okey) Age: 20 B-day: 22 december Born in: Ponyville Currently lives in: Ponyville Voice: Karasuma — Assassination classroom Likes: making chocolate, manga and anime (don't tell anypony), time for himself, walks though the forest, all his jobs, work for his family, flower crowns (don't you ever dare mention it), watermelon, read the newspaper, being pet (don't make me repeat myself), sarcasm, smoke Dislikes: any other pony brushing his hair, parties overpopulated and with ponies he doesn't know in general, Serena, cleaning the house, anoying ponies, alcohol, smoke Scared of: never see again his father
Dizzy Head (Dizzy) Age: 20 B-day: 22 december Born in: Ponyville Currently lives in: Ponyville Voice: Kiara — Lion King 2 Likes: cupcakes, baking, Ceres, color pink, tea and coffee, brushing everypony's hair, going to the beauty centre with Freddie, moustaches (they're cute), fluffy things, smell of strawberries, papayas, hugs (both hug and being hugged), work with Lucky in Sweet Apple Acres Dislikes: frogs, spicy and sour taste, potatoes, ugly bugs, worms and earth worms, too warm or cold weather, dresses with ugly or too complicated patterns, photos taken without warning Scared of: her family being split up again, getting fat
Lucky Treat (Lucky) Age: 20 B-day: 22 december Born in: Ponyville Currently lives in: Ponyville Voice: No records Likes: Eris, parties, his party bazooka, Eris' hair, cleaning the house, cakes, Eris' eyes, cheer up his friends, Eris' paws, candies, teleporting himself wherever his friends need him, Eris' wings, that Dizzy brushes his hair every morning, Eris' voice, climbing up trees, annoy his brother, playing the xylophone Dislikes: his friends being sad (specially Eris), have the house dirty, the memory of his father, tea, bats, oranges Scared of: Ceres and the other ponies will blame him of the disappearance of his father