
For those wishing to get some,
A list of Circuit's favorite things:
•Ass (looking at it and having hers looked at)
•Puns (bonus points if they're sexual)
•Girls, if they're cute enough
•Putting hyperbolic amounts of innuendo into normal conversation and then downplaying it as though that's how normal people talk to each other. "What? No, I'm not flirting with you! I'm just saying that your sausage is enormous and I'd like to take a bite out of it while riding your best friend's giant cock in the front lawn. ("May I have some of your hotdog while receiving a piggie-back ride from your friend's steroid-enhanced rooster") Hey! Cover that bulge up! Do I have to draw you a picture just to wrap your head around what's coming out of my lips?? (definitely not referring to the oral consumption of vaginal secretions or anything)"
•Fucking with strangers (mind fuck not fuck fuck)
•Fucking (not that she ever has in a remotely canonical storyline; but she seem pretty damn sure she'd love it if she did.)


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