After Flurry's morning glide around Ponyville and Canterlot after the morning of her Twilight having her baby, she suddenly hears a huge wave of sound coming from Twilight Castle in Ponyville. She immediately flies straight to Ponyville, landing on the castle balcony.
"Twilight, is everything okay?" Flurry asks. "Oh..uhh…yeah!" Twilight says as she is frantically running around her library. "Are you sure Auntie?" "Uhhh…fine." Twilight stopping in her tracts to explain. "Well…Beam—" "Hey Flurry!" Says Twist, one of Flurry's best friends. "Hi Twist! Flurry excitingly says. "Anyway, Beam had a temper tantrum when her and Twist's playdate was over. And it just so happens they were in the room the elements of harmony were stored. Her wails of unsatisfaction were so powerful that she destroyed the elements!" Twilight frantically explaining.
"Well…we need to find a way to fix them!" Flurry belting.