2. Their first daughter together, Bellatrix. She has a twin but has yet to be drawn, her sister's name is Beatrix XD. Bellatrix is hiding a secret, but you are going to have to guess what it is :3c. Something is protruding on her forehead ahaha
3. And lastly, this is Gevirah, the second daughter of King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis. She is not evil, no. Gevirah might look evil, but she wouldn't hurt a fly! She loves her 5 siblings very much and is very protective of them.
Also a note; the two next gen characters are actually older in the present next gen. They're just young here because that's how they looked in the past. And it's so great to draw on my tablet again X3c EDIT- Changed the ears and hoofs on Trixie and Twilight :0. It was a minor change… It just kept on bugging me.. Aaand added some minor details to some of the characters on here.