So as you can tell from my posts and stuff I am trying to go back and finish up stuff I have been leaving on my computer and honestly this comic though it was done I believe in late August or early September when I left it it LITERALLY took me 3 nights more to finish this off. Like literally the mini panels had nothing in them when I let this comic just decide to sit on my comp but like the others I never went back and finished it up. Laziness or IDK what it was but usually I hate working on stuff over a week and usually move onto another thing and hope to come back to finish this….holy crap I underestimated this comic doing that and I think this and the one I did before were the worst comics I had let sit. Again very stupid and honestly looking at what I can do now on this about 3 months later than the line art on this…it's….a little rough to say the least especially if people saw what I finished up last night. Actually weirdly enough I think this is my first true solo Dash comic since season 5 and Tanks for the Memories comic I did for the episodes. Actually that had tank so a true solo Dash comic you need to look back to that 2012 comic I did with Dash and finding her origin for her Swag sunglasses. Dash is usually such a pain in the ass for me to make and it's still the damn hair though I am putting more fuzziness in these as you noticed lately. Even doing that currently on stuff…just looks better on this hybrid style. I like in a weird way this comic can almost have fit into that pie episode with Pinkie and Dash now looking at this. Kind of interesting.
Ok so that's it. Like I said I should be more into a groove now and push stuff out like normal. Also I know that last panel Dash looks so wonky…but honestly I literally had not reference for that type of pose and pretty much winged it….hehe luckily the mail bag hid all the mistakes I had with it so huzzah for place holders. Ight guys so I think this week with be one of my old anthros I had or maybe it will be a comic. Not sure but I do have some more random stuff to push out this week too. You'll see.