Anywho about this Oc: Persephone Moon is a evaluator, which she's known to others as the "Magic-Inspector". Her job is to only evaluate unicorns (both male and female) for their magic, but also on a level of responsibility not to mentioned rating it from stable to unstable. Even though she evaluates the unicorn population, throughout equestria, she look for unicorns who are undiscovered, meaning they never made any physical appearances to princess celestia, mostly the vulnerable. Despite the fact she wears pastel goth fashion with a bit of edge, she speaks with a valley-girl accent and often say the words, "like" and "whatever" and other teenage lingo. She normally has a calm and cool demeanor and impassively polite, but also she's intelligent and has mostly the knowledge of every unicorn she evaluated from history, either a regular, a historical figure from the past to political leaders in the present. However she can be very strict on her those she evaluates and made her findings clear and have on no qualms on those who fail their evaluations she made. And last but not least she can become very demonic and angry when someone pushes her off the edge which is why she's not only known as a the magic inspector but is also a Demonic Buffalo (meaning having the hallmarks of the devil because of the horns, wings and her tail which has a triangle shape at the end which is similar to a devil's tail).
Unlike regular buffaloes (like little strongheart, and the rest of the buffaloes in the tribe who resides in Appoloosa and witch hazel with her sister, husband, adopted parents and also her foal-hybrid daughter who currently resides in Manehattan) Persephone's residence is in Canterlot but instead of an luxury house or fancy apartment, she's kept in a small perfume bottle owned by Princess Luna. Despite the fact persephone the trademark symbols of nightmare moon (especially her eyes) princess luna still considers her very reliable and and someone she trusts the most. Although she's the same height as little strongheart, some speculated she's the same age as her, but to be honest persephone is 1000 years old, which is very surprising for a buffalo like her to lived that long even if it means living in a bottle for so long, but also she made the perfume bottle into her own humble abode, compared to a college dorm room.
Anywho, even though princess luna is known travel into the dreams of ponies during nighttime and often goes into her form as nightmare moon for nightmare night, she sends persephone to evaluate a unicorn princess luna assigns her to that her not only undiscovered but also known to harbor magic that is either stable or unstable and the level of responsibility he or she use on it, and finally reports her evaluations to the princess celestia and princess luna. And also persephone is quite similar to Baby from "Star Vs. The Forces of Evil" and like her, persephone can transform into to a dark purple cloudy mist for traveling and conjure up objects from the mist, like her record book she the unicorns she evaluated, a pen, and also her cell phone. The main difference from baby is that she doesn't consume large quantities of food and basically she only likes the kind of foods princess luna likes. Although, princess celestia is okay with her, only 2 individuals harbors a deep dislike to persephone and it's that of Twilight Sparkle and Chief Thunderhooves, because of 2 things: for Chief Thunderhooves, he didn't like persephone when he first met her while she was looking for undiscovered unicorns in Appoloosa and openly despise her because of the way she speaks in her valley-girl accent, and thunderhooves finds her to be rude and insulting and definitely snobby and arrogant but also her chastising attitude, although the other buffaloes and little strongheart find her cool only chief thunderhooves alone, dislikes her. And for Twilight Sparkle, since persephone never met Twilight and Princess Luna never send her to evaluate twilight, since her time as Nightmare Moon, twilight would secretly suspicious of persephone and her origin, and quite curious of why she had been so close to princess luna so much, even though she's mostly close to princess celestia as her most faithful student.
Sorry the bio is too long, but I like to point this out in detail actually.
This is what she look like in her buffalo form and her EQG counterpart.