
Filly Cyanne: Bye mommy! I'm off to preschool
Opal: Have a good day at school sweetie
Baby Ivory: (tries to follow cyanne)
Opal: Oh no no no, Ivory you have to stay here (pulls ivory away from cyanne).
Baby Ivory: WAAAAAH!!!
Silver: Not again! come here Ivy daddy's here (holds up Ivory)
Baby Ivory: WAAAAHHH!!!!
Silver: Dear did you change her diaper?
Opal: I changed it this morning!
Filly Cyanne: Daddy can I hold her?
Silver: Well okay, but please be careful with her. passes ivory to cyanne
Filly Cyanne: (hugs her to calm her down) don't cry Ivy I'll be back from school to play with you.
Baby Ivory: suddenly stops crying pwomise?
Filly Cyanne: of course
Baby Ivory: smiles okay.

Ivory is very clingy to cyanne since she was a foal, and of course she would be crying on a daily basics to get her attention.

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