
Hey. It's been a while

In all honestly, I didn't want to stop working on this comic completely, which is why I've been so hesitant about giving an official "it's ended" message. I just lost a lot of my interest in mlp and the motivation dried up, and, you know, I'm not getting paid for this so I figured it would be okay to take a break. To make matters worse, my college major has only gotten increasingly difficult, so that really pushed the hiatus to be a lot longer than I had ever originally intended.

But anyway, I recently reread what I had made for PoT fully braced for the "cringey" (for lack of better word. I don't support "cringe culture") antics of 2015 LeffenKitty, but instead I was pleasantly surprised to find that the comic had aged well. Hopefully I managed to capture the style I used back then and keep the quality more or less the same!

Disclaimer: I don't know how long this motivation will last, but I at LEAST want to finish this scene and start on the next one. A goal is finishing chapter one (these chapters are actually really long lol. There are only 7 in the whole thing) but I don't want to make any promises.


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Cutie Marks from Google
MLP:FiM © Hasbro and Lauren Faust
PoT was inspired by / loosely based on Discordant Feelings by Cartuneslover16
PoT and art © LeffenKitty</strong>


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