"Yeah, she's the freak that got with a half goat thing. A Minotaur or whatever?"
"Sun and Stars, that's weird. She couldn't even go full on goat, eh?"
"Hey now, don't be rude. That's insulting to goats!" Snickers bled out from the crowds, they critical eyes of strangers judging the two. All of a sudden, a chill fell over the crowd. As the ponies looked about, they spotted a little filly standing from distance from the centaur, staring back at them. Her eyes were blood red and cold as ice. The longer they stared, the colder they felt, as if somepony's hand was crawling up their body, reaching for their heart.
Just before that 'hand' reached their heart, they turned away, quickly walking away. Despite everyone's lack of unity, they all left in near unison. Mary let out a quiet huff. Idiots, she thought with a pout.
"And then she was like- Mary? What are you doing back there?" Holly called from up ahead. She let out her wings somewhat, feeling the tension but unaware of the source. "You okay?" Mary ran up, her expression remaining neutral as she nodded silently. "Good, then let me tell you another. Just don't tell mom I've been telling you dirty jokes, got it. She'll get upset."
Marigold and Holly walking home from school. Mary is a very quiet girl, while Holly is a talkative girl. She is currently telling Mary all about how she discovered her bestie was cheating on her boyfriend with her her sisters boyfriend. Holly loves that kind of drama as long as she is uninvolved. Mostly cause its stupid. Meanwhile, Mary quietly deals with some mean ponies who talk shit about them behind their back.
Due to Fluttershy's unique 'taste'. her children tend to be seen as freak-shows. Though no one says it to her face, they all say it. It's started with Acheron and spread out as more of her children started interacting with the towns folk. The kids are only a little better, taking after their parents.
Note: Mary is the child of Sombra and as such, inherited some of his magic. Mostly in the form of an 'evil eye'. She doesn't get it but it basically fills those she looks at with fear and if she tries, she can actually scare others to death (give them a heart attack). She'd never do that though. It'd be a hassle to deal with the aftermath.