Fact 1: Lala Bye’s parents are Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, who opened a candy shop in Canterlot called Symphony Sweets, where Lala now works. Fact 2: Despite the fact that Lulu is known for her sleepy and tired demeanor, she was actually a very energetic child. Her childhood was like a sugar rush and her adulthood was like the crash afterwards. Despite that, her mother Lyra never had any trouble putting her to sleep with her lyre. Fact 3: She attempted to learn how to play the harp but found that she wasn’t very good with instruments, despite her love of music. Instead she now collects whatever music boxes she can find. She likes to sing along to those in her free time. Fact 4: Lala Bye’s nickname “Lulu” actually came as a result of her overly flourished handwritting, making her school teacher and the rest of her class believe her name was “Lulu” for over a year. She never bothered to correct them and the name just stuck. Fact 5: If I had my way, I would really want the official LyraBon kid to just be Minty from G3, so I’m not really surprised that Lala ended up looking oddly similar. Let’s just say that Mint her her favorite flavor now. Fact 6: Lala likes giving all the ponies she meets smooches on the face if she can. Nova especially enjoys her daily Lulu smooch when she enters the shop. Lulu was already giving her smooches even before she realized that Nova was the crown princess. (the wings + horn didn’t tip her off on that for some reason lol) Fact 7: Lulu never knew what her own cutie mark actually even was until Nova, who had been to the mirror world finally told her. She jut thought it was the weirdest looking piece of candy she had ever seen before. Fact 8: I really love this sleepy candy coated horse, the last real fact is that she permanently smells like cotton candy.