Ponies Around the World (PATW) was started by EquestriaDaily.com and has become a brony annual event. I loved the idea so much, that I took it and expanded upon it in a way that combines my love for hiking and MLP. Eventually this inspired me to start filming for a PATW nature film, (Equestria: Into the Wild).
I created a little visualization of all the Ponies Around the World hikes I've done, with some of my favorite images showing where they were taken. This map is quite misleading, as there are probably at least a hundred dots on the map. I've hiked over 500 miles across the west, bringing ponies in tow. Most of the places I've been to are local, which is why the dots "hide" and make the map misleading.
STATISTICS: • 500 Miles Hiked with Ponies. • 109,561 Total Elevation Gain Climbed with Ponies.
• Biggest Year: 2017, with ~200 miles with Ponies. • Longest Hike: 9 Days, 50 Miles.
INTERACTIVE MAP: View the Map Above in Google Maps: Link to interactive map
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PHOTO GALLERY: Link to a photo gallery featuring many of the areas traveled to over the last five years.
STATISTICS AND LOG:Link to a spreadsheet with hikes marked as "Ponies Around the World (PATW)."
EQUESTRIA: INTO THE WILD FILM: Link to video trailer There is a MLP nature film coming out in 2019, featuring many of these scenes shown above.Learn About the Filmr (Dedicated page describing in detail what to expect in 2019)