I drew G4 Snowcatcher, G3 Snowflake, and Little Pretty Kitty Snowy Fur playing in the snow and about to have a snowball fight. XD
The left side is G4 Snowcatcher(she has yet to appear on the show). mylittlewiki.org/w/images/e/eb…
The right side is G3 Snowflake. mylittlewiki.org/w/images/5/59…
And the little kitty is Snowy Fur from Little Pretty toyline that was released in 1989. mylittlewiki.org/wiki/Little_P… I added her since I love cats and she's playing in the snow, enjoying herself. :3 mylittlewiki.org/w/images/2/28…
I'm sorry that the snowbanks look terrible since I don't live in the north and rarely get snow here(I live in south Florida).
I used JavierZhX cloud brushes.
Snowcatcher, Snowflake, and Snowy Fur belongs to Hasbro
Please don't steal, trace, recolor, nor use it as base.