This was mostly for me to be able to get all of my idea's down for the designs of my full cast.
First Row- Left to Right
Raspberry Cheesecake (Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich) Confetti Canon (Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich) Peanut Sandwich (Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich) Jam Sandwich (Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich) Honey Sandwich (Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich)
Second Row- Left to Right
Prince North Star (Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince Flash Sentry) Prince Bolide Meteor (Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince Flash Sentry) Annastasia (Fluttershy & Big Macintosh) Gala Amethyst (Rarity & Applejack) Smokey "Quartz" (Rarity & Applejack Adopted)