Apple Bloom stirred the applesauce and held a spoonful out to her eagerly-awaiting son. This was to be his first taste of solid food, and what better for the first time than some homemade Sweet Apple Acres applesauce? It was tradition for all Apple family babies, and Allegro Jazz would be no different.
”A-ba!” The baby cooed, opening his mouth wide for the fruity goodness that was to come.
“Would ya look at that! He’s tryin’ ta say ‘apple’!” Applejack gave her sister a friendly cuff on the shoulder. “Looks like yer raisin’ yerself a true Apple, AB.”
”I guess so!” Apple Bloom agreed, sticking the spoonful into her son’s mouth. She and Applejack watched eagerly as he processed his very first taste of homegrown apples. This was going well so far!
But then, it was like black magic. It started with Allegro’s cheeks swelling up like balloons after swallowing the sauce. Then, before anypony knew it, hives were popping up all over his body. Yellow phlegm began to drip from his nostrils and even from his eyes. The colt lurched slightly, and a gross mixture of phlegm and applesauce spilled from his mouth. He gazed up at his mother and auntie with the most pitiful expression, letting out a choked whimper as he struggled to breathe. It had all happened so fast…
”What’s happening to him!?” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “This never happened to Pippin! Or any of the others! What’s in this applesauce?”
”Just apples! This ain’t supposed to happen!”
“But that means…”
A look of absolute horror fell on Applejack’s face. “He’s ALLERGIC to APPLES!”
Apple Bloom was just as shocked. “HOW?”
”I don’t know! We Apples ain’t supposed to be allergic to our namesake!” Applejack began pacing frantically. “How’s he gonna take part in our family traditions? Contribute to the family business? Eat dinner with the family? He’s an Apple, for pony’s sake-“
”Applejack!” Apple Bloom shoved a hoof in her sister’s mouth, her sick baby already cradled in the other. “This ain’t the time! We have to get him to the hospital, NOW!”