Sooooo I redesigned my first ever next gen cause I was bored
Here is how they used to look and I like this version alot better tbh >w<
So from left to right we have
Holly Blue
"In your Future I see Beauty..Oh wait that's just me"
NN Diamond, Holly
Gender Male
Race Unicorn
Parents Rarity and Fancy Pants
Extra Hes a Fortune teller and Drag Model
"Yeah I'm the best but you are almost as pretty as I'm great"
NN Stormy, Bro, Fartface
Gender Male
Race Pegasus
Parents Rainbowdash and Soarin'
Extra He's a Wonderbolt but also a Tattoo Artist
Radiant Eclipse
"Stop telling me to act ladylike, Fucker…"
NN Clip, Radiator, Shitface
Gender She is Female but goes by Genderneutral Pronouns
Race Pegasus / can controll some Magic
Parents Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry
Extra They are a Royal Guard and Street Fighter though in secret
Pinova Elstar
"Apple buckin´are ya kiddin´? Id ratha pick´em up while flying´"
NN Pinny, Elly, Nova
Gender Female
Race Pegasus
Parents Fluttershy and Big Macintosh
Extra Shes a lazy but hard working Farm Gal like her Paps Family
Sugar Honey Iced Tea
"Well shit…"
NN Sugar, Hon, Bee
Gender Female
Race Earthpony
Parents Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Extra Her Talent is backing but watch out she could kill you with spoons
Jona Gold
"I use country terms in all me Sentences..well most of all"
NN DJona, Goldy
Gender Female
Race Earthpony
Parents Applejack and Donut Joe
Extra Her Talent is Gardening so shes a soft Farm Girl not like her Ma
Here are their Cms
Base by @poymercorgi
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