Jade Singer, the City ArchiverShe worked as the archive of the town. She got exposed to the magic due the retconned documents in the archive.
Her bimbofication is the slowest because it reflected the stage of the city. Instead of being 1.0, she's 0.5 and she progress by 0.5 like 0.5-1.0-1.5-2.0-2.5, She took the job to hide after the success of her previous book. As she's alone, she grow sexually frustrate with many sextoys to satisfy her needs. She even red her former book she wrote turned into a erotic masterpiece. When the town will be fully changed she will fuck the person she meet and start writing a new sexual masterpiece
Thinking this could be her stage after the Spa changed.
But from there her changes would slowly start to speed up, and once the restaurants are hit her changes will be very clear day by day. And with all the lewd archives she reads and keeps track of she's bound to turn into something really kinky.
And with all that frustation build up could certainly see her take a Dom vibe.