
Maybe Spike did get through to Discord with some of what he said to him in one recent episode (S8E10) or maybe it's just that there has been an art of the month contest with the theme "flower blossoms" on a brony forum. In any case Origami Discord seems to have rearranged 218 (if I didn't miscount) origami flowers in such a way as for them to create a mosaic portrait of Fluttershy. Origami Angel Bunny too has a guest appearance in this scene, siting on Discord's paw (I leave it to you to decide if Discord is holding him to keep him from vandalizing his work or if two such mischievious characters ultimately learned to get along for the sake of Fluttershy).
In the rear we also got a curious bear (not exactly looking like Harry, but I wanted to include him anyway).


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