
This is not mod. This is Source Filmmaker, look at the graphic it's different with GTA 5. If you want know the GTA 5 text font, here i give the font :
-for the location and cars using SignPainter-HouseScript
-for the dialogue and notification using Chalet-LondonNineteenSixty
-for the money using Pricedown (you know that font, right?)

List of models and map :
-Sunset Shimmer New Series by
-Flixiplex Cinema by
-Juniper Montage by

Special thanks :
-Picsay Pro
-Cut+Mix Studio
-Google Snapseed
-Source Filmmaker


Syntax quick reference: *bold* _italic_ [spoiler]hide text[/spoiler] @code@ +underline+ -strike- ^sup^ ~sub~
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