
"Mmmmmm……you smell absolutely delightful this morning."
"Heh, you say that about every morning, Rarity. I'm beginning to think I should just start bathing in coffee and fresh doughnuts."
"I assure you, it won't bother me if you did."
"I'm sure it would. Speaking of smelling nice, I can tell ya used a different shampoo this morning. Let me guess….jasmine? With a hint of coconut and….that sweat pea body gel I got you for our six month anniversary!"
"You noticed! I declare, your nose should be listed as one of the seven wonders of Equestria."
"Nah, the only one here who get's that title, is the wonderful you."
"Aw, you flatter me. That's going to cost you two fresh eclairs this morning. Now hand them over, Mister!"
Nothing like two lovebirds and a pot of coffee to start the day.

Is Fluttercord is my OTP, Troublejack my Country Couple, and Soarindash my Daring Do's, then these two are my Romantic Lovers. But hey, it's Rarity, what did you expect?
I know one of the bigger ships for Rarity is probably her and spike, and while I have no problem with that ship, the kids….would be a little hard to make originally. No surprise there. As for Prince Blueblood and Fancy Pants, I already ship them with somepony else and I just couldn't get on board with either of them being with Rarity. But by checking them both out, it was clear to me that Rarity's stallion type is a big, buff, manly unicorn, which I think makes Doughnut Joe an excellent candidate! This ship isn't exactly a new one, and I've seen some higher up Next gen creators chose this pair, but here's my take on it anyway:

To Rarity, Doughnut Joe was no stranger. He wasn't a friend either, but more like a friendly acquaintance. At the very least, she knew him well enough to know that his shop had the most wonderful pastries and brewed mochas in all of Canterlot. So each and every time she visited her boutique in Canterlot, she never missed a chance to stop by and grab some afternoon snack there. Of course, being the classy and chatty mare that she is, she would stay to eat and would quite often strike up a conversation with Joey. Sometimes, if the business was slow that day, Joey would join her at the window seat and the two would talk for hours, just as new friends and nothing more.
All of this went on for about a little over a year, until for a while, Rarity stopped visiting. Things in her business were simply swamping her with work and she had no time to chat over cake. After a month or two of not coming, Rarity got a letter asking her where she had been and if she was doing alright, along with a box of a dozen doughnuts. Rarity was quite flattered and delighted for the pastries (still warm) and lost no time in getting back to him. Letter after letter the two wrote to each other, while Rarity made a few sacrifices so as to visit him in Canterlot once a month. All the Mane Six could see where this was going, but romantic Rarity seemed rather oblivious to it all. Afterall, love is blind, as they say.
This would have continued for Celestia knows how long had not Joe casually asked her out to a fancy dining place one day. Rarity was so excited, it was her first real date! All the pieces finally fell into place for her, and she was convinced that Joey was going to ask her to be his special somepony at dinner. She barely at a morsal that night with her stomach all in knots and her breath held in suspense. Rarity watched his every move, trying to wait patiently. In no time at all, Joey signed the check and was walking her to the boutique. Finally, as Joey said and goodnight and began to walk away, she snapped. Stopping him, she nervously asked him if…this meant they were dating now. To her appall, Joe threw back his head and laughed! Once he finally caught his breath, he casually said sure, they could officially date now. Mortified, Rarity squeaked a thank you and rushed into the store, ready to squeal the night away over her new coltfriend.
Not a year after that memorable night, Rarity stood under the arch with her fiance, as Princess Celestia performed the ceremony in Canterlot Castle (courtesy of Twilight Sparkle). It was the most elegant and posh wedding since Princess Cadence and Shining Armor were married, and some say was even more extravagant in some ways. Once it was over, Rarity tossed the bouquet and who should it fall into the arms of, but Fluttershy. Rumors have been spread that she may have very well been proposed to on the spot there by Discord. Needless to say, it was the wedding Rarity had been dreaming of her whole life and much more, now that Doughnut Joe was a part of it.
On a side note, afterwards, Rarity moves to Canterlot to be with Joe and makes the Canterlot Boutique her main business hot spot. Things get complicated from there, so I'll wait and share the rest for another day.

Also, I'm still working out the outline for their relationship which I'll post with a different deviation, since I didn't have time to finish it and I really wanted to get this much posted today. So be on the lookout for that if you want to hear the juicy details of these two's relationship!

Title courtesy of tpalacios17


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