
" Go away, I'm reading."

Name: Rock Candy
Nickname: Rocky (goes by this 100% of the time), Rocko, RoRo, Nerd, Egghead, Tiny Tim over here, The Dictionary, Mr. Grumpy Grumpo pants.
Age: 18-20 (shown here)
Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Siblings: Carmel Bell, Taffy Twirl, Twinkle Star
Build: Smol, Tiny, can barely lift a hairbrush
Residence: Ponyville
Special Talent: ̶R̶o̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶d̶u̶m̶b̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶h̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶ Problem Solving and being smart

Occupation: Current College Student
Type: INTP
Voice: Monotone, sounds like a regular, deep guy voice, will probably sound like Cranky Doodle Donkey when he’s 70.

General Bio:
There's always that one kid who's that kid. You know, like the black sheep of the fold? The Outsider? The 'How did I even produce a kid like this I'm 99% sure this is a changeling implanted into this family now where is my actual son' kid? Well, for the Pie family, that one kid is none other than Rock Candy, or Rocky as is better known by. While the rest of his fairly outgoing, cheerful, happy-go-lucky family is out seizing the day, grumpy and sarcastic little Rocky tends to stay in his dark, cluttered room as he reads about the history of geometry. It's no wonder ponies have labeled him as a nerdy, anti-social hermit (which is undeniably correct), although Rocky prefers the title 'Solitary intellectual enthusiast' (which isn't wrong.) For a family as loud as his, Rocky is eerily quiet, preferring rather to listen and ̶s̶t̶a̶r̶e̶ observe ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶d, and whenever he does talk (to someone other than himself), it's usually very opinionated. In fact, Rocky's quite the paradox, seeing as how he can go from not caring diddly squat the first minute, to have extremely strong feelings over a particular issue the next.

Rocky is a pessimist at heart and tends to play the role of the voice of doom in most situations. He also has a sixth sense when it comes to stupidity and even though he will do nothing to stop you from carrying out your dumb and dangerous idea, he will call you out on it, just to have the high ground of 'I told you so'. Despite being a killjoy sometimes with his snarky remarks and nettlesome nature, Rocky really isn't as bad as he seems. That analytical mind of his is quite handy when it comes to finding solutions and you can always count on him to keep even your darkest secrets safe, judgment-free. Even his satirical advice can sometimes be of help, just don't look to him if you're expecting soothing comfort. Another nice thing about Rocky is that, even though he rarely shows his emotions, that little heart of his tucked deep down in there somewhere, actually does care for the few ponies in his life that for some reason put up with him. He typically shows his shaded form of affection by staying true to his promises and occasionally helping them out with enough persuasion.

What probably makes Rocky stand out most from his family (aside from his grumpy, down-trodden demeanor), is his intelligence. Rocky may be below the average height, but he's well above the average IQ. He started reading as young as two-years-old, and when it came time to enroll him in school, he was put in a year early. He's incredibly smart when it comes to learning new things, so it wasn't surprising that before long, Rocky was well ahead of his class. This worked immensely in his favor when it came to getting a higher education, but it only estranged him further from his classmates. Not that he cared; why worry about friends when you can get an early shot at a college or university? But for all the brains he has, Rocky rarely does anything productive with the things he's learned. When he isn't starting new and amazing projects that he never ends up finishing, he's usually lazing around reading or helping his sisters with their homework ( not that he minds, since they pay well; he get's four cups of coffee per essay).


Pinkie Pie:

Even though Rocky isn't overly fond of his chattery, enthusiastic, outgoing Mom, deep down, he actually really respects and admires her. I mean, sure, he doesn't appreciate that Pinkie's favorite pastime seems to revolve around pushing him out of his comfort zone and forcing him to interact with others (and always excusing her behavior with "you'll thank me later"), but when it comes down to it, she's one of the only ponies that actually gets him. Even though she'll do all in her power to better him and help him improve his life, Pinkie never crosses the line when it comes to changing who he is, and Rocky secretly appreciates that. Because Rocky is a 'do-it-yourself' fella who likes to bottle up all of his feelings, he rarely ever opens up to ponies or even, Celestia forbid, ask for help. However, his mom is the one exception to this rule as Rocky often goes to her for assistance, whether it's over a life crisis or help with the toaster ( all you have to do is push a button, Rocky, it's not Rocket Science- you know, the one thing you're good at?) Since his mom and him don't really connect over much, they barely spend time together, save for when the two go visit Muad, as they frequently do.

Cheese Sandwich:

If you though Pinkie and Rocky had a hard time connecting, you haven't seen anything. Cheese doesn't know why, but for some reason, Rocky just never seems to want to hang out with him. He comes to believe that Rocky really does want to be with him, but since he's awkward at interacting with others, his son just doesn't know how to go about it. Cue an enthusiastic Cheese trying to do all that he can to force bonding with Rocky. At first, he tried to get his son to participate in his comedy show, and while Rocky will unwillingly watch his Dad's ballon cart or play the drumroll for him behind the curtain, he seems to only be tolerating these shenanigans for Cheese, rather than reciprocating his Dad's love and affection. Cheese also tried things the other way around and would attempt to discuss Rocky's current book series or take him to the museum he's been dying to see since he was little.Even though Rocky can appreciate the amount of effort his Dad is going through to do this, it just feels fake and forced to him and actually ends up distancing him further; not to mention Cheese was extremely embarrassing in the science exhibit. Despite Cheese being is at his wits end of how to get closer to his son, and even though Rocky rolls his eyes at every joke and noogie, Cheese is determined not to give up!


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