I would not have managed to finish this image on one day (I drew from about 12am to 8pm) but for the help of many awesome kids who did a lot of really helpful work in coloring Lyra and Bon Bon and also gave helpful constructive criticism which defiitely improved the image. I'm saying this not out of mere courtesy, but the kids have been really very helping and the internationality of this group there was an air of almost Equestrian harmony to all this (I was also very moved when today one of their fathers came out just to tell me how much he approved of this, as did many passerbys).
I promised the kids to credit their part in the making of this drawing and they asked me to give these names (the first two of which are the names of their youtube channels):
Julian Craft
Vielen Dank Euch allen, Ihr habt da wirklich toll geholfen beim Kreidemalen und das Bild oben wäre ohne Euch so nicht fertig geworden :)
Before the end I ran out of brown chalk and had to rush parts of the bench a little, but I am still really happy with the outcome. By the time it was completed the sun was already gone behind the houses, so I could only take a picture in the shadow, but the next day I got there again to take pictures in the sunlight.