A lot had happened in her life in past years. Her sister moved out, she lost her best friend, she struggled with crippling loneliness, and even lost the old cherry. Both ways even, just to try and ease her pain during those lonesome years. She had been through hard times indeed.
But she also gained a friend. Not only that, but a family. A family with four wonderful foals who were proud to call her their Auntie. She was no longer lonely; everything was right in her world.
Well, almost everything, she thought. Sure, she had a family and was happy, but she couldn’t help but think of the friends she’d lost. One was gone and never coming back, but the other…well, Feather hadn’t ended on the best terms with him. She often wondered how he was doing.
“Hey there!”
She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at the pony she had just bumped into…the very pony she was just thinking of.
“Cherry Bliss?”
Cherry appeared to have grown a lot more confident considering the events of past years, as in response to his old friend’s question he winked and began to trot over.
"You remember little old me? I've missed you! It's been so long since we've seen each other…"
His sentence trailed off into a more somber tone as it finished, but his expression was more content than it was sad. In fact, his smile soon returned to his face as if a light bulb went off in his head.
"In fact, there's someone I'd like you to meet! Sentinel!"
As quickly as he had called out, a soft yellow-coated mare soon ran over with a sleeping foal nestled in her wings. She looked between her husband and the mare standing beside him…almost as if she recognized her.
"Hey there! You must be Feather!"
“Mmhm!” Feather grinned and nodded. “It’s so nice to meet you! How long have you two been together?” She kneeled down slightly to look at the foal. “And who’s this little one?”
Sentinel paused to wrack her mind, but brightened up when she remembered
"Oh! It's been 15 years! And this little one is Plumage Prance."
She maneuvered the baby pegasus as she began to wake up so Feather could get a better look.
"She's our youngest, and probably our last…we have six more at home! Four fillies and two colts! You can hold her if you'd like."
She playfully brushed her wing across her husband’s shoulder, causing him to blush and sway in place slightly.
Cherry chuckled nervously and looked away, not nearly able to match his wife's confidence.
“You don’t mind, do you Cherry?” Feather took note of his expression as she took the filly into her own hooves. “Seven children…and I thought Roy had a lot.”
Cherry shook his head frantically.
"No not at all! It's just this one over here~"
He shot his wife a playful glare before turning back to Feather, raising his eyebrows curiously.
"Roy? Who's that? Your…husband? How long have you two been together? We could arrange a play-date for our little ones!"
“My husband?” Feather laughed. “Oh no, we’re not married! I’m not married. We’re just friends; I moved in with him to help out. Long story, actually, but it’s only been about a year. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind having your family over, though!”
All of a sudden Plum began to cry and flail, causing Sentinel to gently take her from Feather’s arms.
"Excuse me! She must be hungry. I'm gonna go find somewhere to sit down! Again, nice to meet you."
And with that, Cherry and Feather were left alone. His expression turning nervous as he realized this. A bunch of anxious thoughts seemed to flood his head as he tried to speak, stuttering over his words.
"I'm…about what happened…you know t-that I.."
He shook his head and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry that our friendship cut off that way. I didn't wan't things to get awkward."
“I…” Feather took a deep breath. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t want to hurt you that way. I didn’t want to lose you as a friend. I’m glad you’re happy, I’ve just…missed you. A lot.”
She smiled hopefully and held a hoof out. “Can we begin again? As friends?”
He let out a sigh of relief and grabbed her hoof, using it as leverage to pull her into a hug.
"I've missed you too Feathe, and of course we can. Now, I've got to go tend to my family."
Feather smiled as she let go and watched him trot over to his wife and daughter.