The result of last night's stream, and what a beautiful thing it was. From Spongebob memes, to drunken weeaboo neckbeards, to a fierce debate on Infinity Wars versus the Twilight movies, it was a stirring time all around.
Sir Dr. Waffleton Gridmoore III Jr., Esq., twice removed, and his brother Tedbob, are the most infamous dons of the Breakfastfude Mafia. But his days are numbered, as the mighty animu Rocket Nyx comes charging at them, her terrible butter knife ready to cut the brothers into wicked — and delicious — bite-sized chunks. Justice is served, and its a part of this nutritious breakfast. The streets will run brown with syrup tonight. ,
, and
, thank you all so much for coming last night
You can't see Tedbob? Don't worry. He sees you just fine.