Nickname: Skye, Doom
Parents: Rainbow Dash, Soarin
Siblings: Dazzle Dash
Step — siblings: Terra Dash, Spicy Apple
Breed: Pegasus — normal type
Membership: New mane six — Element of Kindness, Sky Craipers (successors of Wonderbolts)
Pet: Parrot called Mango (Ara Arakanga)
He is very kind, affectionate, loving and especially honest. It is a great pride for her parents, so they embrace it, but he keeps her ungrateful nature and sticks to the ground. Of course, he's a great aviator, as a baby he was flying with his father at a very low speed. As soon as his younger brother Dazzle had joined him, they were inseparable two and, of course, doing lotteries. Mainly with clouds. His kindness is evident in all areas. His weak side is family and friends — he is literally frozen fears as his family and friends are imprisoned.
Base:… by
MLP by Hasbro
NG by me