“You actual shit, I cannot believe you done this”, belted Trixie. Her elaborate dress and stage-ware caused her to fall arse over tit and smash her face into the floor, causing catastrophic damage to it.
Well, you know what the say, “When the Fat Lady Trips”.
“I’m not fucking fat”, retorted Trixie.
“Yes you are dear, now why don’t you go have fun performing on your special show”. Rarity shot mean glaces at Trixie whilst laughing like a constipated horse.
It was their special night. Trixie had spent all of her bits in order to put on the best stage show Equestria has ever seen. She had invested into absolutely everything. The grandest theatre with the grandest stage in Manehatten, invited hundreds of top celebrities and royalty and left absolutely no expense.
The subject of her amazing show? Rarity.
Rarity had an amazing habit of accidently giving oscar award winning meltdowns with no provocation whatsoever, which made her a perfect candidate for Trixies show. Trixie, being a believer in spontaneous and eccentric events presented the play with a concept that had never been seen before. No script whatsoever. NATURAL acting. Capturing the raw interaction of the most accidently talented pony in all of Equestria by stirring her up on stage to the amusement of others.
Rarity, given the chance of a fat payout by the end of the show and a platform to bitch about anything she wanted, agreed. Then promptly sat on her fat ass for several months while Trixie did all the work.
Trixie tried to get her to help. “It’s my show fuckwit! Help me out! I can’t be doing all this shit myself!” belted Trixie.
“No honey, you dont understand. Without me there is no show. So i’m going to sit here and get pampered while you get your little stupid head in a twist.”
Tensions between the two reached boiling point just before the show. Several public scuffles between the two ended up on the evening news and tabloids.
The perfect ingredients for the show.
released August 12, 2018
Pinkamena Party Team is davhors! and Supersaw Hoover. Album art illustration by Cii. davhors! also wrote the entire fanfic in like 30 minutes. Nice.