
"In the black void of Celestia's mind, a light grew in the distance, glimmering and growing as it made its approach. The darkness was then speckled by starlight, and the advancing light revealed itself to be a shining geodesic dome of crystal and gold, encased in an aura of blue energy. Within the dome, a vibrant city could be seen. To the left shone the sun, and to the right lay a swirling blue globe blanketed by clouds, partially obscuring the landmasses below. The gleaming city in the sky bustled with activity, its ornate marble pillars and greenery containing the idle chatter of ponies as they went about their business. Elaborately carved statues seemed to lord over every district and vicinity of the city."

Lord Magnus, ruler of the Solar Empire, observes his capital in the sky. Based from my in-progress fan-fiction, Aeterna Solara — The Dawn of a New Equestria. Made in Blender Cycles and Photoshop, uses re-sculpted and heavily modified base model of Celestia by KP-ShadowSquirrel.


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