
I'm sorry this image isn't as happy as my usual drawings. It is all to easy to get wrapped up in our pastella ponies, our first world problems and trivial phenomena, completely oblivious from the bigger picture. I am guilty of this, I turn off the news because I don't wanna hear it, if you don't know what Is going on it can't hurt you. But what of the people that lose their lives every day, what about the hungry, the abused, the people that don't have the luxury of ranting on a computer, and instead are worrying when the pain will stop?

What of the people on this fateful day 17 years ago when nearly 3000 people were injured or killed by the acts of free will from cruel hearted, and wicked human beings, no I don't wanna call them human beings, they aren't worthy of that title. Those innocent people were just going about their daily lives, they didn't know they wouldn't come home that day, what of the families still grieving, who never got to say goodbye?

We can turn the tv off, we can go about our lives, frustrated that we don't have the latest gadgets, and gizmos that "so and so" said this and that but evil is happening and the victims of such evil deserved to be respected and remembered, not shoved under the carpet.

We can't hide in our houses, in fear of when terror might strike, we have to live, and the few cruel people in the world do not deserve the right to let us live in fear.

We must remember, we must stand strong, be grateful for what we have, and most of all we must live.


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