Wanted to wait till the 28th to upload this. Again, in have poor impulse control.
Story: "Adagio and Mac left the two stooges to stuff themselves full of home made waffles and whatever else Granny Smith decided to cook up this lovely Saturday morning. Applejack walks in, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Hissing at the orange glow creeping over the horizon as she seats herself across from Sonata, said Dazzling found love in the firm of the steaming hot, syrup soaked waffle before her, her wings beginning to rise with euphoria as she gazed at the ambrosia she held in her hand. Giving a yawn and wide stretch, Applejack greeted Aria and Sonata as she took in the scents of cinnamon and apples and what could possibly eggs and hashbrowns. Aria, somewhat disgusted with herself in regard to the minor food baby she was beginning to show, grunts in return as she pushes her plate away, not intent on pushing the limits if her stomach lining. Silence rains for ten seconds, broken only by the sizzle of the stove top as Granny flips shredded tator bits about. With a flourish of limbs, tails and chairs, Aria and Applejack jump apart, their chairs hitting the door and pantry respectively. Aria takes as stance developed from many a street brawl numbering three to anything less than two. Applejack adopts her favored Mauy Thai stance, years of tree kicking at the ready to blast the connective tissues of Aria's more lithe frame to shreds. Granny Smith sighed, fond memories of breaking up her own children's many cost heavy brawls flooding her mind."