Amber stopped and turned toward the familiar voice. Still a little unfocused, but she knew who was talking to her. Only one pony gave her all kinds of nicknames relating to flowers and plants.
Daisy: "You called me, Gen?"
Gen: "DAMMIT, DAISY! IF I CALLED YOU, YOU'D KNOW!!!!!" Gen ended the conversation by kicking a empty flower pot towards the door, causing Daisy to quickly hide back inside the flower shop.
Amber gave an awkward smile when Gen's sudden anger disappeared and was replaced with a friendly smile. Amber shook her head and slowly approached Gen. She didn't have to take many steps since Gen was already taking quick strides towards her.
Amber: "I thought we've talked about that attitude towards the other employees here, Gen. They're gonna end up firing you."
Gen: "Please, they can't get rid of me. I'm THE BEST pony in Equestria to have if you want to have the best flowers." Gen scoffed, but then turned it into an self righteous smile with a quick-over dramatic flip of her mane.
Gen: "What's the matter, little daisy? Your aura seems out of flow." Gen gave Amber a quick up and down look.
Amber: "Oh, just a little exhausted. I've been working none stop up in Canterlot and just got back home to Ponyville. Daddy says I should just stay at the room he always has rented whenever in Canterlot, but I never feel quite at home there."
Amber gave a small laugh and Gen smiled along with her, the look she gave almost looked sympathetic (or caring) towards her — but she could have mistaken that from exhaustion.
Gen: "Ah, who needs to be there anyway? All the ponies there could use a good whack to the head. Give me a moment, I'll just be a sec."
Gen nearly ran inside the flower shop — almost bumping into another employee. Amber smiled waiting for her. She's known Gen for a few years now. Gen was always active towards her causes and liked to make rallies to get other ponies involved. Amber is always involved in the community along with her father whenever some event is being held. Rallies are no different. So it wasn't long till these two crossed paths.
Gen: "Don't daze out on me now, flower petal."
Amber flinched, she hadn't even seen Gen come back outside from the shop. Now here she was just inches away from her — nearly scared her out of her scarf!
Gen: "Drink this, flower petal. The sun may give you some nutrients — but a pretty plant still needs more than just water and sun." Gen gave Amber a cup with a lid and an oddly great smell came from it.
Amber: "Oh, what is this?" Amber took a sip — it was a bit bitter, but instantly made her feel like she had gain some of her energy back.
Gen: "Just some herbs to help with my petal's fatigue and keep her from wilting. I drink this stuff regularly when I have over-night protests." Another self-righteous smile. Gen then handed her something else. "As well as some flowers to brighten that aura and bring out that sunshine-smile of yours."
It was a small bouquet of beautiful flowers — ((these would look great in my room!)) Amber gave a bright smile to Gen. ……….did Gen blush? — Nah!
Amber: "Thank you so much, Gen! I'll put these in my favorite vase and make sure they are in the best spot for sunlight! I really should be going now though. I have to help my mother with some fabric exchanges to help build business!"
Gen: "Get some rest, flower petal…We'll be following the minds endless river to synchronize your energetic vibes back to the cosmic flows next time I see you."
Gen gave a wink, but Amber had no idea what in Equestria that meant. Did that mean she was gonna make sure shes got plenty of rest? Was she offering her help in her work? Sounded close enough! — instead of answering, Amber just gave a quick nod and started to make her way back home.
That is till she felt a feathery light touch near her backside. She quickly turned to see Gen just disappear into the flower shop. She must have imagined it, shes's EXHAUSTED thats all it was! Just an imaginary touch she felt! ……Right?
It wasn't long till she heard Gen's voice screaming about something again and a few more flower pots seemed to have 'accidentally' broken.