Vexmon appeared alongside a villianous team named Team Terminator during the Vex War Arc of the Super Pony Squad and some bits of Super Pony Squad:Pokemon.
The main leader of Team Terminator: Accurus, wasn't fully introduced until the end of the Team Terminator plot story. Accurus was shown in the last scenes when he was defeated that the Vex Staff he possessed controlled both Vex and Vexmon so they wouldn't turn on them. Being defeat by a blow from Regoixic's Drain Punch, both his Vex Face Mask and Vex Staff shattered when he died, causing the Vex to grow aggressive and angry.
Accurus' Pokemon team consisted of Pokemon he hacked and remastered: A Shadow Giratina: with Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Aura Sphere, and Dark Pulse A Metallic Poliwrath: with Blue Flare, Origin Pulse, Drain Punch, and Discharge A Metallic Genesect: with Sunsteel Strike, First Impression, Tri-Attack, and Metal Sound And 2 different Tyrantrums: One Dark and One Negative Neg Tyrantrum: with Moon Blast, Dragon Rush, Aqua Jet, and Magnitude Dark Tyrantrum: Moon Blast, Lunge, Geomancy, and Outrage