
Just a fun little clock I did of the mane 6 (has grown to include more ponies). Click the buttons to change the pony. Let me know if you want another pony added. Watch me if you want to know about updates.

Also my submission for the EQD ATG Day 16.

Now has Windows 7 gadget: (removed online version as deviantart hashes new versions differently)
- (offline, need to check back here for updates)
If you have issues:
- rename the ".gadget" file to "" (Accept the warning, must have "show extensions enabled i your folder options")
- extract the files to "%USERPROFILE%AppData-Local-Microsoft-Windows Sidebar-Gadgets" (Manual Install)
it should now be in your gadget directory

- Added Derpy and Vinyl Scratch
- Added Octavia, Lyra and Bon-Bon


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