
(Credits attached, I hope you like it!)
"You mean to tell me that you two have been married for six years, and you haven't even told him that you're pregnant yet?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Rarity shrugged. "He's been in Trottingham for three months now on a business trip! I sent him countless letters, but I can't tell if he got them or not. Fancy is not really what I would call 'frequent' with a quill and paper…" she said. Twilight sighed heavily. "When does he come home?" she said. "I'm supposed to meet him at the train station today." She said. "Well then, what are we waitin' around here for? Let's get to the station!" Applejack said. All the ponies started to leave. Fluttershy lagged behind for a moment. "But we just got off the train…" She said. After 20 minutes of walking, Rarity had had enough, she hailed a cab and the six ponies rode the rest of the way to the station. "Why didn't we think of this earlier? It's so much easier!" Rainbow Dash said. "Well, Darling, you may know all the ins and outs of Cloudsdale, but I'm the pony to talk to to get around Manehattan." Rarity said. Quicker than they arrived, the ponies reached the train station. Luckily, the moment they set hoof on the train platform, the train appeared in the distance. The train screeched to a halt, and the doors opened. Ponies from all over Equestria started pouring out of the long train. There were so many ponies, the girls were having trouble spotting Fancy Pants out of the crowd! "What in tarnation! Why are there so many passengers? Couldn't at least a few of them hired a carriage or somethin'?!" Applejack complained. "Of course not, Applejack. This is the fastest train this side of the Celestial Sea!" Rarity said. "This is the fastest train and Fancy's only getting home today?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, he had to take a boat first, Dash. How else are you going to cross the ocean?" Rarity said. "Ooh! I know!" Pinkie Pie squealed. "You can take a hot-air balloon, you can take a catapult, you can ask a dragon to carry you across, you can swim-" Pinkie paused, catching her breath. Rarity decided to interrupt her while she had stopped. Rarity was the type of pony who didn't like to be proven wrong. "Well, I guess those are plausible, but Fancy loves boats, so I guess he chose to take a ship…" Rarity said quickly, her eyes darting about trying to find her husband in the ever-growing crowd of ponies. "Oh, there he is! I'd recognize that blue mane anywhere! Fancy, Darling!" Rarity called. the gentlecolt across the platform turned his head and smiled. "Rarity, Darling!" The stallion ran to his wife and grabbed her in a loving embrace. Rarity gasped quietly, Fancy had grabbed her a little tighter than she was prepared for. Her large belly made the kind gesture rather painful. "I-I'm happy to see you too, Darling, but could you please let me down?!" Rarity yelled. Fancy Pants quickly put his wife back onto the platform and sighed. "Whatever is the matter, Darling? I hope I didn't hurt you…" Fancy Pants fretted. Rarity took a breath and sighed. "I'm perfectly fine, Darling. You just surprised me, that's all." Rarity reassured her husband. Rainbow Dash pushed Rarity forward and backed away. "Rarity has something to tell you, Fancy!" Rainbow Dash said. Rarity laughed nervously. "Well, I'd rather tell you over dinner… I was thinking about going over to the Tasty Treat, would you all like to join us?" Rarity asked, laughing nervously as she finished. Rainbow Dash slammed a hoof onto her face. "She's not seriously stalling, is she?" Twilight said. Applejack sighed as she nodded her head. "Oh my gosh, Rarity. Just tell him!!!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Rarity sighed and looked deep into her husband's blue eyes, matching her own. "Darling, I have to tell you something, and I'm sorry I haven't told you straight away…" Fancy Pants bowed his head. "I know…" He said. Rarity was shocked. "Really?!" Rarity gasped. Fancy Pants laughed "Just because I don't reply to your letters doesn't mean I don't read them, Darling!" The couple laughed and nuzzled for a moment. " But just because I knew, doesn't mean I'm not happy for it. I love you, Darling." Fancy Pants said. Rarity sighed. "And I you, my love." She said. Pinkie Pie squealed happily. "So, what are you gonna name it?" the couple stared at Pinkie with clueless expressions. "Ummmm…"
(To Be Continued!!!)


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