Ashti is in the first wave of oc to overthrow Naysay. As a Deerhean diplomat and representative of the Hirannstani, he did paid a visit to the School albeit on a semiformal way. Must say, even if did understood Naysay's POV, Ashti didn't got a favourable opinion about the Chancellor.
The rest of the visit had Ashti mostly witnessing the events in the background. Well, until Cozyglow asked for a mutiny. As Naysay wasn't legitimate as the headmaster, he didn't had much second thought. Even if he wasn't rooting for Cozyglow, she did seemed to be a bit more legitimate… and it's not like he was planning to start a fight with every students supporting her. Nonetheless Ashti did let her take her own responsibility for the coup d'etat.
—- In this picture, Ashti had a flag in mouth who is a minimalist version of the Deerhean national flag : I found it was an funny gimmick, with this stick pony always advertising his homeland… even if the situations don't call or it. xp