
Alright, entioned in my scraps I was changing up my persona Puffy to a tweeked design. Felt like it was time for a change to get rid of details I was getting tired of.

New cutiemark, which is also my new signature on my art. Changed the colour just slightly. The original tone of purple was based on how I only had one choice in that tone based on the colouring pencils I had access to back when I designed the first Puffy. Today I can freely pick any tone I want, so I finally changed it up to a more favoured tone of purple. Don't get me wrong, all purple is great. I just like the more blueish one better.
A hair cut was added too. Fixed the wing colours as well, since back in the day I just gave all my bat pones exact same wing colours based on the one time we ever saw bat ponies on MLP. Wanted something that matches with the overall colour scheme more.

The goggles have been slightly changed too just a tiny bit, to better fit the ones I have in real life. Just 'cuz.

I like this new design, and to go with it, I'll also stop using the old alternative Puffies too. Like the earth pony and changeling one. Is just this one now. A fine, nice kirin, possibly eldrich horror one.



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