I tried to fit all my mane six kids in as well as any significant others though I couldn't fit them all. Sadness~
Anyway, lots of stuff is happening during this hearths warming eve party such as:
- Crescent and Rose spending hearths warming together. She couldn't believe he claimed to never heard of the holiday, thought he claims to celebrate a event similar. She doesn't believe him. Rose on the other hand marvels at how Crescent could have a kiren as a brother.
- Lapis is ogling Hazy, hoping to get his attention. He has many questions about things he saw before but for now is content to watch from afar.
- Hazy and Matcha Mint are hanging out and sharing drinks. Hazy has had quite a few and is openly flirting with his bestie. Matcha is completely oblivious to it all.
- Chocolate has been asked to dance by his best friend, Sweet Deal. He isn't sure why but agrees since its her. Sweets wants to be the belle of the ball and dance with the most coveted stallion (Other than Sirius) present.
- Marigold was helping with decorations when she noticed Sweets and Chocolate. Her attention will shift soon enough.
- DayDreamer (DeeDee) is not a social person, preferring to be alone. Unfortunately, she was dragged along by her siblings to a party. But that won't stop her from being a wallflower. She has manga to draw after all.
- Cinnamon Apple, spotting his cousin, Capoeira tried to flag her down but got distracted by DeeDee. He is currently trying to get her attention.
- Parfait is very openly ogling his crush, Tranquil Spring's flank. While he might affectionately refer to him as 'tranquilizer' he feels wide awake just then
- Dio and Honey don't have a lot in common but they are youngest in a large family so they talk about things. Apparently he likes her bug talk and she likes his views on cursed items. Who knew?!
- Tranquil helps decorate, since he wants a picture of the tree for his column and he wants it to be perfect.
- Acheron, trying to enjoy the party but also not ruin it by scaring somepony or setting fire to the place. As such, he keeps his distance.
- Sea Holly and Nova Flare helping out with decorations since they can to get the hard to reach areas.
-" Sirius and Epic get caught under mistletoe. A stickler for rules, Sirius does as he must, almost giving Epic, who harbors a major crush on him, a heart attack.