>You get an odd feeling holding the sheet, however you keep examining it. >Every so often you feel a large crumb that either breaks or dissolves completely. >In your examination you notice a hole. >Seeing that hole causes you to drop the sheet. >You begin to feel a little nauseous after handling it. >"A Pony did this…" Moonie says looking at the knots in the string. "But why?" >She then takes a look at the sheet. >"I wouldn't touch that" You warn. "It feels gross." >That's really the best way to describe it. >Moonie looks at you and back at the sheet. >She decides to ignore your warning and pick it up, however she drops it immediately and stares at it a bit. >"It felt like…" Moonie trails off. >"Yeah… we probably shouldn't touch that…" She says looking at the string once more. >You just said that but sure whatever it's fine. >"So.. what makes you think another pony did this?" You ask. >"Well, so far the only things we have seen have seemingly relied on brutality rather then intelligent planning to attack us. So far trap setting doesn't seem to be in their repertoire . Even if any creatures are capable, I'm sure they would have set up something more diabolical than this this." She explains. >Makes sense, to you. >"Should we look for this other pony?" Taku asks. >Moonie perks her ears up, and listens to the sound of the bell. >"They might be heading for the bell as well… assuming…" She trails off again. >"We should probably be going" You say as you move towards the alley the three of you were originally going towards. >Moonie and Taku follow. >You take one last look at the sheet. >You find yourself feeling strangely sad for it. >It's probably best to not think about what it actually might be…