So a good thing to know is that I headcanon that Pinkie Pie was right when she said that Donut Joe was a secret spy in that episode about the deserts on the train.
Rarity and Donut Joe had of course met eachother plenty of times when Rarity and her friends would visit his donut shop in Canterlot, however they had never actually exchanged more than a few sentences with eachother. It was on one of Rarity's visits to her Canterlot boutique she stopped by the donut shop and on her way back saw some strange looking hoofprints leading out from what seemed to be a brick wall. Urged to investigate the odd tracks she soon found herself in a back alley, overhearing two ponies discussing plans for robbing an art gallery later that night.
Knowing this was serious Rarity tried sneaking away but had already been spotted by what she could only assume to be one of their accomplices. Before the stranger could do anything to alert the others however a very familiar looking stallion swooped in to incapacitate the criminal.
Rarity realised quickly that the stallion who had saved her was indeed the same baker she had just visited. Dumbfounded she thanked him and then asked him what he was doing there. He quickly explained how he had been shadowing these ponies for a while trying to expose their plans. Rarity told him what she knew and demanded to come with him telling him she was quite the detective herself.
After some disagreement back and forth he eventually agreed to bring her and the two attended the art gallery showing that the ponies had talked about infiltrating. They intended to catch the criminals discretely and Rarity helped identify the ones she saw.
The whole escapade ended with a chase and a swift brawl up on the roof of the building before the thieves was apprehended.
Joe thanked Rarity for the help and was ready to bid farewell when Rarity hastily asked him out for coffee. Surprised he quickly accepted and then the two parted ways.
Rarity had barely had time to think about what had just happened and was feeling over the moon about all the excitement she had been part of. She absolutely loved the whole detective/spy role and she really enjoyed working with Joe too. She had felt her life getting more and more stuck in the same routine and even though she loved making dresses it was starting to get repetitive so this was exactly what she needed to get some action back into her life.
The two started seeing eachother more and realised that they really enjoyed eachother's company. Joe would even ask Rarity for help solving the occasional case that would pop up and the two became quite a team.
They enjoyed being together so much that Rarity moved to Canterlot. On their spare time they would socialise with the high society of Cantelot and Manehattan or simply stay in and enjoy eachothers company.
After a few years of dating Rarity was surprised to find herself pregnant with their first child. After this revelation they both moved to Ponyville were Joe opened up a new donut shop/secret hideout. After Scarlet was born Rarity made Joe promise to cut back on the spy missions for fear of his safety.
1: Rarity discovering some odd tracks.
2: Rarity overhearing some ponies plotting to steal art work from a gallery.
3: Joe swooping in to save Rarity.
4 — 5 — 6: Rarity and Joe at the gallery spying on the ponies Rarity overheard.
Rarity: That's them.
Joe: Alright try to act normal but don't lose track of them, we need to know were the others are.
Rarity: Oh, ones on his way over! *quickly kisses Joe trying not to get spotted*
Joe: They don't know what we look like you know.
Rarity: *Blushes profusely* Yes sorry I realised, I've just always wanted to do that!
7: Joe and Rarity out on an actual date at a fundraiser
8: Their first "real" at a picnic overlooking the Canterlot castle (castle not pictured)
Welp… it's a weird ship but a part of my sorta kinda likes it. It's not my favorite Rarity ship but I don't really want to change it either. Sorry for my awful rambly writing as well. I tried my best to get what's in my head out on "paper" but I'm not sure I entirely succeeded.
I also had some trouble with the color matching on this one but I will try to make it better for my next doodle dump