Late into the evening of Mother's Day, a show performer stallion arrives at Cherry Hill Ranch.
Jumping up and down is the filly, Cherry Top excitedly singing, "Look it, Dad's finally made it~! I'm gonna tell'm what we did for your day, Mama."
Cherry Jubilee giggling, "Sure thing, dear. Let's go see your father. Come on Raspberry." Tilting her head at him.
Trudging behind them is the youngest, Raspberry Tart. Grumbling as they approach the stallion that arrived.
The seasoned Buffalo Bull solemnly says, "Sorry my love, again. They really wanted an encore no matter how much I said I had other plans." <i>Taking his hat off, and placing it on his chest.</i>
"I understand my love. The foals had some plans they were tellin' me about that was to include you. Yet they did do some nice stuff for me." Raspberry stared angrily at his father while Cherry Top started talking,
"Oh ya, I sung a song for Mum, and we made her a yummy breakfast! She loved it!" "I sure did, hehe," Cherry Jubilee said with a little blush.
"Maybe, a can still do this 'plan' the foals talked about," Buffalo replies with a mix of relief and uncertainty. "I think so, let's go Dad!" Cherry excitedly says, "also you too little brother!" Cherry Top pulls Raspberry along with some resistance. Raspberry says grouchily, "I don't think we should. Dad took too long." "Oh Ras, you know you want to. Even if Dad is late again," Cherry Top confirms. Raspberry reluctantly nods in silence.