You can say: "Hey, why it take you a long time made that!" — easy bro.. i have a life e.e.. and a job X_X. Anyway.. the real reason was the colors. As you know, the episode of the Dazzling is very dark, and the bright lights colors play a fundamental role. Find the tone of real colors was very difficult (a friend helped me remove the brightness of the video). I want to give them a sense real colors … that's why I take a little more time.
I want to be honest: I loved the animation. Brutal. EPIC. The evolution in the design of the characters is immeasurable. Usually for this animations a software called Toon Boom is used … I don't know if the designers use that software, but without a doubt, their work was magnificent. 10/10 IGN.
Ok, and for this drawing: I hope you like it!! Cheers!
PS: If you like my content, don't forget to give me a "watch" .. so you will know immediately when I publish or update the drawings!!
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