The most fun of all four I love designing zebras SO much!
Here`s quick backstory that I`ve come up with during designing this one:
She lives in one of the Equestria`s forests, far away from other ponies. She`s one with nature and helps it in all ways that she could. This pony plants trees, feed and heal animals and sometimes teleports to other places to clean them up from pollution.
She has some scars from wild animals attacks. She gets in them sometimes, but never hurts the animals. Except one time when she kicked one animal in the mouth and it lost its tooth. She then cured the animal with her magic and decided to keep the tooth. It`s now the biggest one in her necklace. Other teeth and bones where found by her in the woods and she polished them and added to her collection. She even made some earrings and bracelets from bones.
Sometimes she visits her family, but prefers to send letters to them. She also writes poems as a hobby and even sometimes sends them to publishers in towns (the poems that are being send are about the nature and why all should care about it).
So this pony is kindhearted, nature loving introvert, who has bone carving and writing as hobbies and nature protections as a duty.
Base was made by SelenaEde (don`t want to spam her with notifications)
Base link —…
Art © me
MLP © Hasbro