Some players do learn. Thieves learn to stop stealing indiscriminately. Fighters stop picking fights with EVERY single person they encounter. The problem is that by the time this happens, the character trait has already become stuck in every player's mind, and now it's simply expected. Transcript:
DM: Allllrighty then. Climbing over the landslide rubble is no easy task, but since there’s no pressure you can pretty much “take 20” on it. Continuing along the path from there, it’s not very long at all until you arrive at the plateau in front of the dragon’s cave. The cave entrance is about three stories tall, and a thick, constant stream of black smoke billows out of the top. The inside does not stretch terribly deep into the mountain, but it’s very well lit – thanks to the gleaming piles of treasure that cover half the floor. And, of course, a giant red dragon is curled up on top of the hoard, snoring out black smoke from its nostrils, content and undisturbed… for the moment. Rainbow Dash: Hey! What are you all glaring at ME for??