Back then, making a webcomic of my very own had been a dream of mine for a while, but I found myself waiting for the right premise. Above all, I figured, this webcomic of mine had to be good — or at least the best I could make it.
I hope I've delivered at least a little bit on that unspoken promise.
But I know for a fact that this little screencap webcomic wouldn't have half the readership is does right now without the regular commenters, always ready to share stories and wit for the others to enjoy. It's because of each and every one of you that I've made it this far.
I don't have anything special planned for this one-year anniversary, other than to keep chugging along. But that's alright — all in all, I have every reason to be one happy brony today. Transcript:
Twilight Sparkle: But… your special talent! Don’t you have a gift with all kinds of animals? Fluttershy: Yes… because they’re not dragons. Rainbow Dash: Wait wait wait, so dragons are completely out of the question, but MANTICORES are considered “natural” now?? Fluttershy: Yes, because one of them is a forest creature… and the other’s a dragon. Pinkie Pie: Spike’s technically a dragon! You were totally excited to see him last session! Fluttershy: But I didn’t need to use Animal Empathy on Spike. There was nothing about him I wanted insight on. Spike: Aww, man… DM: I mean… <ahem> Sorry about that.