On Saturday morning, I told you about my Everfree Northwest Friday experience. The rest of the weekend was even more enjoyable.
I probably spent a total of five hours roleplaying in the board gaming room on Saturday, between two sessions and two systems: A pre-alpha playtest of Roleplaying is Magic Season 4, and a pony-modded version of FATE. If only I'd gotten in on the Savage World of MLP game on Sunday, I would've had the complete RPG set of Everfree Northwest! But as it is, I think I've cemented myself as a connoisseur of homebrew pony RPGs.
And I've decided — next year, for Everfree Northwest 2014, I'm going to try setting up an official "Celebrity D&D" event. You heard it here first. Transcript:
Rarity: We might as well cut to the chase, then… WHY was I kidnapped? Spot: Diamond Dogs hunt gems. But po-ny magic makes you a better hunter! Rarity: …You saw my treasure-finding spell. Rover: Haha, yes! And now you find gems for US! Rarity: O…kay… How many gems? How long is this “arrangement” going to last? Fido: ALL THE GEMS! FOREVER! Rarity: Oh, we shall see about that. Rover: She’s right. Fido, be reasonable. Po-ny is not immortal.