Rover: Oh, for goodness sake. You po-nies, always thinking you’re the smartest. Always underestimating the others.
Rarity: You know, it’d be easier to concentrate on gem-hunting if I didn’t have to listen to your ranting.
Rover: I am not ranting! I am criticizing! Do you want to HEAR ranting?! THIIIIS IS RANTING! If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that po-ny society was built by hypocrites! Po-nies tell the rest of the world and all the realms that Equestria – yes, this is the place to be! This is a land of love, friendship, and peace! But it is a LIE! Diamond Dogs see the truth of the po-ny! Po-ny soldiers – useless! Po-ny merchants – cutthroats! Po-ny thieves – nobles and celebrities! And the po-ny princess, worst of all – willing to banish kin for a thousand years! Yet she controls the sun, and by proxy the world; a true tyranny disguised as kindness! And now, po-ny, you see the truth too! Po-ny is not the best. Po-ny is not loved by all. And po-ny will do as she’s told and FIND THE DOGGONE GEMS!!
Rarity: Enough! I get the point! Just stop ranting!