Really, what seems to be the secret of Pinkie's craziness is just how benign it is. Your stock paranoia-crazy might be stashing supply caches and weapons all over town. Pinkie's crazy? Implements of sports and gaming. Transcript:
Twilight Sparkle: Okay, before anything else happens, we gotta get Cerberus back to his station. How do we get to the gates of Tartarus? PM: The gates are miles and miles out of Ponyville, close to the mountains. You’re gonna have to run and lead Cerberus there as quick as you can. Fluttershy: I explain that to Cerberus. PM: The big ol’ dog is completely turned around, and kinda distractible. You need something to hold his attention while you lead him back. Twilight Sparkle: Like… what, exactly? A stick? PM: No, something better! A ball! Pinkie Pie gives you a ball to lead Cerberus with! Twilight Sparkle: …Why was Pinkie carrying a ball in the first place? PM: She wasn’t, silly! She just has balls of all shapes and sizes stashed all over Ponyville. Y’know, in case of ball emergency! Applejack: We’re approaching critical levels of crazy, here.