I had a lot of fun putting together this particular page. And by "fun," I mean… Just kidding, I really did have fun. Transcript:
PM: Pinkie Pie, using her super-sensitive Pinkie Sense, leads you outside Ponyville and towards the edge of the Everfree Forest. On the way there, you here a… SFX: (AWWOOOOOOooo) Fluttershy: W-Wolves?? PM: Not just any wolves… You’ve heard this howl before, Applejack. Your granny used to tell you stories about carnivorous wooden creatures called… THE TIMBERWOLVES. Fluttershy: …Wait a second… PM: Some say they’re possessed by spirits of the forest. Some say they’re indestructible! And as you reach the edge of the forest, you see… Uh… Sorry, hold on. <rustle> Where is that- AHA! You see the MOST GIANT TIMBERWOLF EVER! Timberwolf Marionette: Raaaaarr! Applejack: (stifled laughter)