Well, holy crap! Barely a week after I announced my intention to run a Pony Tales campaign in the Fallout: Equestria universe and publish it as a podcast, said podcast has its firstepisode
You bronies work fast.
Alright, I'll stop spamming the Author's Notes with this now. I just wanted you guys to see it.
Story time! In this comments section, tell a story about a tabletop player superpower! Transcript:
(silence) PM: We’re not getting anywhere, are we? Twilight Sparkle: <sigh> It defies explanation. Why would Pinkie Pie have this ability? PM: I dunno. Why can Applejack read people so well? Twilight Sparkle: Huh? PM: How does Rarity be two people at once so easily? Where does Fluttershy’s secret inner strength come from? Why is Rainbow Dash so fearless? And you! How do you just KNOW so much? Twilight Sparkle: Well… I… I read a lot. I can explain that. PM: But it’s something unique to YOU. Something that other people don’t understand sometimes… I just wanted something like that for Pinkie Pie, you know? (beat) (Twilight smiles)