In other news: I present to you the secondepisode of Fallout is Dragons. The podcast has a Tumblr now, which I suspect will become the main hub for it. Many thanks to reader Great Dinn for his diligent work on all that — I take no credit. Transcript:
Applejack: Ah can work with this. So, what’s the plan for the ghost? Twilight Sparkle: If we hurry, we’ll beat the Taraxippus to the Bog. Then we’ll have the element of surprise on our side. PM: Ha! The super-secret seventh Element of Harmony: The Element of Surprise! Surprise and Fear! Fear and Surprise! …Eight Elements of Harmony: Surprise, Fear, and Ruthless Efficiency- Amongst our Elements of Harmony are Surprise, Fear, Ruthless Efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to Celestia- I’ll come in again. (beat) Applejack: <sigh> “I wasn’t expecting an extended parody of the Spanish Inquisition.” PM: NOBODY EXPECTS AN EXTENDED PARODY OF THE SPANISH INQUISITION!